1000 17th Ave.North
Nashville, TN 37208
615.329.8754 office
615.329.8711 fax
615-329-8810 Request Line
General email address: [email protected]
PSA/church Announcements to:
[email protected]
WFSK's Business Office Hours: Monday - Friday from 9am to 6pm. (cst) Our office is closed on university recognized holidays.
Music day for Jazz is Friday from 12noon to 4pm (cst)
Music day for Gospel is Monday all day.
1000 17th Ave.North
Nashville, TN 37208
615.329.8754 office
615.329.8711 fax
615-329-8810 Request Line
General email address: [email protected]
PSA/church Announcements to:
[email protected]
WFSK's Business Office Hours: Monday - Friday from 9am to 6pm. (cst) Our office is closed on university recognized holidays.
Music day for Jazz is Friday from 12noon to 4pm (cst)
Music day for Gospel is Monday all day.

WFSK is located in W.E.B. DuBois Hall on the Fisk University campus, 3rd floor. The DuBois Hall building is located at the corner of D.B. Todd Blvd. & Jackson Street.
There's plenty of free parking in the rear of the building.